Root Canals
Renton, WA

Endodontic Therapy

A root canal is a very common dental procedure performed in order to help save your natural teeth and prevent the need for dental implants and bridges.

At the center of each of your teeth is the dental pulp (tooth nerve).  Infection of the dental pulp can be very painful and is caused by a variety of factors including: trauma, deep cavities, cracks in the tooth, or repeated dental procedures.

If you do find yourself with a painful toothache, we encourage you to call our dental office right away for consultation for root canals. An infected tooth that is not treated can only result in bigger problems. Contact us at (425) 276-4611 for prompt and comfortable emergency care.

Symptoms of Teeth Needing Root Canals

Teeth that need root canal therapy are not always painful, but common symptoms of an infected pulp include: biting pain, visible swelling, obvious damage or decay to the tooth, temperature sensitivity, lingering or spontaneous pain, discoloration of the tooth, discomfort that wakes you up in the middle of the night, or tenderness in the neighboring gums.

Root Canal Treatment

Root canals are completed utilizing local anesthesia where the dentist removes the diseased nerve from the tooth.  After the infected tissue is removed, the tooth is cleaned and sealed.  Next, the tooth is built up with white filling material.  A crown is typically placed over the large filling in order to protect the tooth and help prevent future breakage.

While many teeth can be saved with root canal therapy, some teeth do require extraction if the chances of success with endodontic treatment are unfavorable or if complications become evident during or after treatment.